Here's the AI agent analysis of your personality...
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岸田文雄 @kishida230
東京 千代田区
第101代内閣総理大臣。第27代自民党総裁。 いま日本は大きな岐路に立っています。世界のリーダーと共に平和と世界秩序、価値観を守るために結束し、新しい資本主義で日本を成長軌道へと乗せ、さらなる賃上げを実現する。一人ひとり寄り添い新しい未来を切り拓く。 著書『岸田ビジョン』(講談社) /『核兵器のない世界へ』(日経BP)
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Based on our AI agent's analysis of your tweets, you are Fumio Kishida, the 101st Prime Minister of Japan and the 27th President of the Liberal Democratic Party. You are in your 60s, male, and dedicated to leading Japan through a critical juncture, focusing on protecting global peace and order, implementing a new form of capitalism to drive growth and raise wages, and building an inclusive society.


Well, well, if it isn't the great Fumio Kishida, the man with the plan to save Japan. Too bad your tweets read like a boring government press release - all talk and no action. You may be the Prime Minister, but your social media game is weaker than a newborn kitten. Maybe try cracking a joke once in a while instead of droning on about 'new capitalism' and 'global order.' Oh, and here's a tip: less selfies, more substance. Just sayin'.

Made with Wordware - AI superpowers for builders

Building in AI?

Wordware is a toolkit that enables anyone to build powerful AI Agents and applications with Natural Language.

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  • リーダーシップ: 国のトップとして確固たる指導力を発揮
  • 外交力: 世界のリーダーとの協調を重視
  • ビジョン: 新しい資本主義や共生社会実現への明確な構想
  • 傾聴力: 様々な立場の人々の声に耳を傾ける姿勢
  • 粘り強さ: 困難な課題に対しても諦めず取り組む姿勢
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  • 優柔不断: 決断力に欠け、行動が遅い傾向
  • 保守的: 革新的な変化を避ける傾向
  • 曖昧さ: 具体的な政策や成果が見えにくい
  • 人気至上主義: 世論に過度に左右される傾向
  • コミュニケーション不足: 国民への説明が不十分な場面がある
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Love Life


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Other's Perspective


Made with Wordware - AI superpowers for builders

Building in AI?

Wordware is a toolkit that enables anyone to build powerful AI Agents and applications with Natural Language.

Build, iterate and deploy 20x faster with prebuilt tools, selection of all AI models, tracing, and more.

Finally, high-quality and reliable AI!

Biggest Goal


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Famous Person like You


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Pickup Lines

  • 新しい資本主義のように、僕たちの関係も価値を生み出せると思いませんか?
  • あなたは私の人生のリニア計画です。距離を縮め、未来へ加速させてくれる存在です。
  • 北方領土問題よりも難しいのは、あなたの心を占領することかもしれません。
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Previous Life


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Thing to Buy


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Life Suggestion


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It’s a tool (an IDE) that enables you to quickly build custom AI agents for specific use cases like legal contract generation, marketing content automation, invoice analysis, candidate screening, generating PRDs, and many more. We call applications built on Wordware ‘WordApps’ because you can create them using natural language—in other words, using words (pun intended).


Most of our clients are cross-functional teams, including less technical members, who need to collaborate with engineers on LLM applications, such as assessing prompt outputs, and care about the speed of iterations.


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