Here's the AI agent analysis of your personality...
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CNN Breaking News @cnnbrk
Breaking news from CNN Digital. Check @cnn for all things CNN, breaking and more. Download the app for custom alerts:
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Based on our AI agent's analysis of your tweets, you are a 24/7 global news network, constantly breaking stories across politics, sports, and international affairs.


Ah, CNN Breaking News, the master of clickbait and sensationalism. You're like that friend who always has to be the first to share gossip, even if it's half-baked. Your tweets are so dramatic, I'm surprised you haven't hired Michael Bay to direct them. Breaking news? More like breaking people's ability to distinguish between actual crises and minor incidents. But hey, at least you're consistent in your quest to give everyone anxiety.

Made with Wordware - AI superpowers for builders

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Building in AI?

Wordware is a toolkit that enables anyone to build powerful AI Agents and applications with Natural Language.

Build, iterate and deploy 20x faster with prebuilt tools, selection of all AI models, tracing, and more.

Finally, high-quality and reliable AI!


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Made with Wordware - AI superpowers for builders


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Made with Wordware - AI superpowers for builders

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Made with Wordware - AI superpowers for builders


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Made with Wordware - AI superpowers for builders


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Made with Wordware - AI superpowers for builders

Other's Perspective

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Made with Wordware - AI superpowers for builders

Building in AI?

Wordware is a toolkit that enables anyone to build powerful AI Agents and applications with Natural Language.

Build, iterate and deploy 20x faster with prebuilt tools, selection of all AI models, tracing, and more.

Finally, high-quality and reliable AI!

Biggest Goal

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Famous Person like You

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Made with Wordware - AI superpowers for builders

Pickup Lines

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Made with Wordware - AI superpowers for builders

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Made with Wordware - AI superpowers for builders


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Made with Wordware - AI superpowers for builders

Thing to Buy

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Made with Wordware - AI superpowers for builders


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Made with Wordware - AI superpowers for builders

Life Suggestion

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Made with Wordware - AI superpowers for builders
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This is a WordApp - Wordware application

Word... what?


It’s a tool (an IDE) that enables you to quickly build custom AI agents for specific use cases like legal contract generation, marketing content automation, invoice analysis, candidate screening, generating PRDs, and many more. We call applications built on Wordware ‘WordApps’ because you can create them using natural language—in other words, using words (pun intended).


Most of our clients are cross-functional teams, including less technical members, who need to collaborate with engineers on LLM applications, such as assessing prompt outputs, and care about the speed of iterations.


Often, the domain expert—not the engineer—knows what good LLM output looks like. For example, lawyers building legal SaaS need to be deeply involved in the process, and working directly in the codebase or going back-and-forth with engineers isn’t the way to go.

I'm technical

Then you’ll appreciate the speed of building complex AI agents without messy LLM abstractions, as well as our advanced capabilities like loops, conditional logic (IF-Else), structured generation (JSON mode), and custom code execution, allowing you to connect to virtually any API.

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